Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts
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"There's GOLD! In dem dar derby cars!"
The Cub Scouts of Pack 351, Den 6, once again held their annual pine wood derby race on Thurs evening Jan 19, 2006, and Teal entered his final car, a red rocket car modeled after the North American Eagle which is currently going to the worlds land speed record of 800mph. This turned out to be an excellent choice our intrepid race car driver made as he simply smoked all the competition and commanded staggering leads winning all three races! Teals rocket car sported a long needle shaped nose, tail fin and a red rocket light in the tail end that got a lot of admiration Ooohs and Awwws from the other cub scouts as well as their Dads. This was a great final run for our retiring race car driver who will graduate into the boy scouts in February.
Below are some pictures of the champ holding his car. Click on each picture for a larger image.
