LADIES and GENTLEMEN! The races are about the begin! Gentlemen START YOUR ENGINES! This year Cub Scouts of Pack 351, Den 6 have once again gathered to determine who is the best race car builder in the world! And our master driver, Teal has brought out his super secret car which comes with SOUNDS! Built into this fancy red racer with lightening bolts, is a realistic sound producing engine! VA VA VA VA VAROOOOOOOOOOOOM! Putt putt putt puttt..........

Well the champ got trounced in the first heat, but only barely... It was nose to nose crossing the finish line but the red racer just didn't quite have enough oomph to bet the competition! Silver star for the champ!

GOLD! The champ came back with a vengeance! With his engines roaring so loud as to give the entire audience a splitting earache, he gunned his engines and blew across the finish line leaving everyone else in his dust clouds.

Well even the champ cannot win em all! But he sure gave it his best shot and came in second in the final race of the year. Said the champ - "Next year I am going to win so take that to the bank. History will be made just you wait an see!"
Below are some pictures of the champ holding his car. Click on each picture for a larger image.